Notejoy: A Good Evernote Alternative (6 Amazing Reasons Why)

Notejoy is a note-taking app like Evernote. Yes, Notejoy has similar looks and feels to Evernote. But, Is Notejoy A Good Evernote Alternative? In this article, I will try to find the answer.

Most of the bar councils in the world recommend lawyers to use Evernote for taking notes. As a lawyer, I was a hard-core Evernote user until 2020. I was happy with Evernote.

In 2020 the world faces COVID-19 pandemic. This devastating pandemic shut down everything, including legal sectors around the world. As a result, I got 4 months’ time to reboot my whole life and think about it.

At that time, I was finding good note-taking apps for personal use. As a result, I found some amazing note-taking and brainstorming app like Roam Research, Obsidian, Workflowy, Typora, Notejoy, Nimbus Note, and many more.

So, I was trying to use them one by one. After tried those amazing note-taking app, I found many of them are more useful and easier than Evernote.

Today, I am writing a handful of reviews of Notejoy note-taking app. This app has more options than Evernote and cleans UI like Evernote. So, any lawyer can use this useful note-taking app instead of Evernote.

Notejoy may be a good alternative to Evernote for lawyers and those who love the interface of Evernote and features of Obsidian and Roam Research. I am trying this note for 3 weeks.

In my use, I found some good features and some negative sides of Notejoy. Today, I am going to share with you about those features and problems of Notejoy you.

Some Good Features Of Notejoy:

Notejoy has some amazing features for taking note more quickly and easily. Here are some important features.

1. Bi-directional Note-Taking Made Easy:

Bi-directional linking note-taking apps are becoming popular day by day. There are many reasons for the growing popularity. But there are some questions about bidirectional note-taking apps.

  • What do you do with bi-directional linking notes?
  • Why bi-directional notes is important?
  • How to use bi-directional linking notes?
  • How bi-directional linking notes help you more learn?

What Do You Do With Bi-directional Linking Notes?

For Example, you are a researcher. For your research work, you take a lot of notes every day. To memorize and find those notes you use tags or separate notebooks or note categories. Those are traditional ways.

What about a note that shows related notes with the note where ever you want. Let me explain it clearly.

For example, you are taking a note about Human Rights to write an article for a reputed journal. But, you know another important note about Human Rights Law In the USA. Your article should contain a section about Human Rights Law In the USA.

What will you do now? Find the note, copy the note, and paste it into the Human Rights note. I do not think so in 2021. There is another better way to do that.

You can bring another note into your current note by typing [[]]. In the middle of the four brackets, you can type Human, it will automatically show all Human-related notes you have taken ever. Now, just select your desire one.

At this stage, you will see a link to the Human Rights Law In USA in your current note. This method is an easy and time-saving option.

Why bi-directional notes is important?

Bi-directional notes are now the best way to connect your ideas with each other. No more boring tag or category system note management. Link your related notes with each other and let them talk with them.

How To Use Bi-directional Linking Notes?

There are many note-taking apps over there that use bi-directional linking. Roam Research, Obsidian, Mem Note, Rem Note, Notejoy, are the most famous among them.

All those note-taking apps use a simple way to create bi-directional links between notes. All of them use the same function too. They use [[]] to create bidirectional notes.

How Bi-directional Linking Notes Help You More Learn:

Basically, bi-directional notes are linked with each other. When you read a note with links with other notes about something, you can see there is more information about this topic in the liked note. So, you will try to read them too. As a result, your old memory of the topic revive. That is the way of learning more.

Now, let’s talk about bi-directional linking notes in Notejoy. In Notejoy, bi-directional linked note creation is as simple as other apps. Just type [[]] and find your note and hit the enter button. Can you believe, you are taking notes UI like Evernote and linking like Roam Research?

2. Good Web Clipper:

Notejoy took a similar approach as Evernote did in the past. Notejoy took the novel path to take the market share from Evernote.

So, Notejoy built a web clipper. But, this web clipper is similar to Evernote web clipper. The Notejoy team thinks something more about their web clipper. They made notejoy web clippers more speedy and efficient.

I strongly recommend Notejoy who clips web pages frequently. This speedy notejoy web-clipper will save their time.

3. Markdown Editor:

I take notes in a simple way. I do not like to use mouse for formatting my writing when I write. So, I was finding a simple writing platform that has no need for a mouse to format my writing.

In the time of 2020 pandemic, I found some simple writing platforms like Typora, Lyx, iA Writer, Bear, and some others. Believe me, I tried them all one by one. Then I select Typora for its good and clean interface. But, another problem happened.

Typora use Markdown editor. This was very new to me. But, I had enough time to learn Markdown. After some hours later, I found that Markdown is one of the convenient ways of writing anything quickly and easily without taking my hands off from the keyboard. I become master of Markdown. Ha ha ha….

Then, I found there are many more Typora like apps in the market. I use Typora, Obsidian, Roam Research, and recently Notejoy for testing.

Notejoy markdown editor is some kind of hybrid one. I cannot believe that when I saw Notejoy give the golden opportunities like Evernote UI and editor like markdown. I became fan of this app.

Read More About: How To Make Free Case Reference Management?

4. Good Integration Of Apps:

I love all features of Notejoy. But, there are some features out there to bring it in the app need to integrate them inside this app.

In Notejoy, you can integrate Trallo, Google Drive, and other important apps with just a few clicks. Thames up Notejoy.

5. Clean UI (Same As Evernote):

I know, how much love I have for Evernote User Interface. It is true for every evernote user. They love Evernote for it’s clean interface. Notejoy just copied the interface layout of Evernote and make it more responsive.

When I first opened Notejoy, I was surprised. What?? I thought that, this is an Evernote App with customized red color. After that, I realize they have done a very good job. Its looks like evernote but have more features then the older one.

6. Focus Mode:

Notejoy focus mode
Notejoy focus mode

Your note-taking UI is causing more destruction when you write. This is a normal thing. But, Notejoy has a good idea to move this destruction around your note-taking app.

Notejoy just introduced Focus Mode. The focus mode is simple to use. Just click on the top-right corner maximize button. Now you are free from all destruction.

Some Cons Of Notejoy:

There are some cons of notejoy as I was testing the app.

1. Some Markdown Options Do Not Work:

This app support markdown editor. Good news. But, the bad news is, the markdown editor is not too powerful. For example, you cannot create any table using Markdown. Big drawback????

2. Need Table In Your Note? No Option:

When I was unable to create a table using Markdown, I tried to make it in an old-fashioned way. I was finding an icon for creating table. After 6 minutes of extensive search, I found there is no icon for creating table. I become disappointed.

Then, I started to google about the problem. I found a feature request page of notejoy. In that page, a lot of users requested table creation features in the app. But, there is no hope soon.

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My Final Though About Notejoy:

As a lawyer, I always find a better Evernote alternative for the last two years. I found many of them like Notejoy, Nimbus note, Roam Research, Obsidian, Mem note, Typora, etc. But Notejoy has some unique features that I like most.

Markdown editor, Bi-directional linking notes, Clean UI, Focus mode is my favorite features in notejoy. I also like the same layout like evernote. This will help you to feel you are in the old note-taking apps with new features.

I strongly recommend Notejoy which lawyer use Evernote for a decade. Because, they fell home in this app.


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